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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Healthy and yummy Chinese Veg Soup

6 cups vegetable stock, 2 Tea spoon tomatoes (finely chopped), 2 Tea Spoon paprika, 2 Tea Spoon cauliflower, Tea Spoon carrots, 2 Tea Spoon cabbage, 1 tea. Spoon mint, 1 tea Spoon coriander, 2 tea spoon of garlic, 2 tea spoon ginger, 4 t spoon soy sauce, 2 Tea spoon corn flower,  oil, ½ t-spoon black pepper powder, salt to taste, chili oil, green coriander.

1. Heat oil in a pan with the mint leaves, coriander, garlic, ginger, vegetables and fry on high heat for 2-3 minutes.
2.Then add the vegetable stock, soy sauce, salt and pepper powder paste.
3. Put water in a cup and mix with corn flower, boiled for 1 minute, and add coriander.
4. Add vinegar, pepper, chili sauce and serve.

This is very good soup for people on diet :)


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